Lack of sleep: what disturbances does it create?
Lack of sleep: what disturbances does it create?
Sleep is a vital function for our body, which allows us to rest, recover energy and consolidate memories. Getting good and enough sleep is therefore crucial for our physical and mental health. But what happens when we can't get enough sleep or when our sleep is disturbed by various factors? What are the consequences of sleep deprivation on our well-being?
Lack of sleep can have negative effects on different aspects of our lives, such as:
- The brain: sleep promotes information processing, memory formation and learning. If we sleep little or badly, these functions can be compromised, causing difficulties in attention, concentration, memory, decision making and problem solving. Furthermore, lack of sleep can affect our mood, making us more anxious, irritable and depressed².
- The eyes: sleep allows the eye muscles to relax and repair the damage caused by light. If we don't get enough sleep, our eyes can get red, swollen, tired and prone to twitching and twitching².
- The immune system: sleep strengthens our natural defenses against disease. If we sleep poorly or poorly, we are more vulnerable to infections, colds and flu².
- The heart: sleep regulates blood pressure and heart rate. If we don't get enough or irregular sleep, we can have an increased risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke²³.
- Weight: sleep affects metabolism and appetite. If we sleep poorly or poorly, we may have a greater tendency to eat fatty and sugary foods, skip meals and exercise less. This can lead to weight gain and problems such as obesity and diabetes².
- The skin: sleep promotes cell renewal and the production of collagen and elastin. If we sleep too little or poorly, we can have drier, dull, wrinkled skin that is prone to premature aging².
- Libido: sleep affects the level of sex hormones. If we sleep little or badly, we can have a reduction in sexual desire and performance².
- Bones and muscles: sleep promotes the growth and repair of bone and muscle tissue. If we sleep little or badly, we can have greater fragility of the bones and less strength and resistance of the muscles².
As you can see, lack of sleep can have serious consequences for our health and quality of life. This is why it is important to try to get enough sleep every night, following some tips for good sleep hygiene:
- Always go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends.
- Use the bedroom only for sleep and sexual activity, avoiding watching TV or using a cell phone in bed.
- Reduce the consumption of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine during the day.
- Avoid heavy foods and stimulating drinks in the hours before bedtime.
- Exercise regularly, but not in the 3-4 hours before bedtime.
- Expose yourself to natural light during the day, to promote the circadian rhythm.