The cotton manufacture has really ancient origins. In century IV b.C. Alexander the Great turned Alexandra, the Egyptian city, into the most important cotton clearing house towards Europe. Thanks to the Arabian conqueer of Spain, the tecniques of spinning and weaving of this fiber spread throughout the European territories. During the Industrial revolution in the XVIII century, Europe, and in particullary United Kingdom, became the main centre of the cotton processing, facilitating the export of its production and manufactoring to America.
Since ever, the history of this excellent fiber crosses the civilization evolution connecting East and West, melting traditions with innovation. Today cotton rappresents 35% of fiber consuption and it’s produced mainly in the Souther and in the Easter lands of the world. Thanks to its versatility, the feshness touch on the skin and its hypoallergenic properties, cotton has seduces different populations to arrive to the modern fashion runways of the best brands.
We decided to choose cotton for its natural properties: it’s a wet fiber, rich of water, so it proves to be harder and more durable compared to the others yarns. In addiction, this property ensures freshness in contact with the skin.
It’s hypoallergenic: rarely causes allergies
It’s hygroscopic: absorbs water and sweat
It’s air-permeable: cotton is a breathable material, so it gives a tenderness and well-being sensation in contact with skin
It draws the body-heat away
It mop up the sweat’s stink
It’s resistant and durable in time
Over all, it’s a natural fiber